
CVC24 OPENING PARTY (RSVP required) JUNE 5th, 19:00-22:00 Location: Shed Lounge & Bar Hosted by: Allnodes & INACTA Ventures Kicking off the conference on a high note, the CVC24 Opening Party welcomes attendees with drinks, music and good company.

BYBIT EXCLUSIVE NETWORKING LUNCH (RSVP required) JUNE 6th, 12:15-13:30 Location: CVC24 Conference Venue, Networking Lounge Hosted by: Bybit Bybit is proud to make its first foray in Switzerland at the 2024 Crypto Valley Conference and host a Networking Lunch on June 6th.
RSVP HERE This is an invite only gathering and is limited to 40 paxs that will need to be pre-approved by our team

NETWORKING APERO, DAY 1 (open to all conference attendees, no registrations needed) JUNE 6th, 17:30-19:00 Location: CVC24 Conference Venue Hosted by: Kraken Institutional
Closing Day 1 of our conference is a great networking opportunity to unwind and chat with fellow conference attendees. Libations, food and high energy provided by Kraken Institutional.

VIP DINNER (by invitation only) JUNE 6th, 19:00-22:00 (transportation will be provided from HSLU starting 18:30). Location: will be shared with guests Hosted by: Bitcoin Suisse and G-20 Group
An exclusive dinner at a beautiful lakeside location with live music and exceptional company. The CVC VIP Dinner has a strict limit of 100 guests and it's our premier networking event hosted by Bitcoin Suisse and G-20 Group.

Chain Fusion Night (RSVP required) JUNE 6th, 18:45-22:00 (a Dfinity bus will be depart from HSLU starting 18:30) Location: DFINITY Foundation, Genferstrasse 11, 8002 Zurich Hosted by: DFINITY Foundation If you’re up for continuing the networking and discussions, join the Chain Fusion Night apéro at the DFINITY HQ. A Dfinity bus is going to take you from Hochschule Luzern to DFINITY Foundation in Zurich conveniently.

INVESTOR & STARTUP MATCHMAKING LUNCH (by invitation only) JUNE 7th, 12:15-13:30 Location: CVC24 Conference Venue, Networking Lounge Hosted by: Mina Foundation An intimate networking lunch for a select few of VCs and startups who made it to the CVC24 Startup Competition. An invaluable networking opportunity hosted by the Mina Foundation.

SUNSET BOAT CRUISE PARTY (open to DAY 2 and 2-DAY FULL ACCESS pass holders only) JUNE 7th, 19:15-22:00 Location: Shed Lounge & Bar Hosted by: IMC Trading & Youhodler
The legendary finale of the Crypto Valley Conference is the CVC Sunset Boat Cruise! What better way to end two days of mind stimulating blockchain & crypto content. Steering the ships are IMC Trading & Youhodler.
Transportation: shuttle buses will take guests from the conference venue to the boats. Shuttle buses will leave at 18:30. Please ensure you promptly board the buses, otherwise you are responsible for your own transportation.
Location: boats will depart from Zug, Bahnhofsteg at 19:15
Timing: the boat cruise will end at 22:00. Once guests are on the boat, they will not be able to leave as we'll be on the water so please plan your evening accordingly.
Panels, Presentations and Master Classes:
Panels and Presentations:
Master classes:
Panels and Presentations:
Master classes: