call for


The advent of blockchain technology has revolutionized how entities trade and interact, removing the need for trusted intermediaries. This shift has sparked ongoing research across numerous academic fields and continues to drive innovation, fueling both established industries and a dynamic startup ecosystem.

The eighth CRYPTO VALLEY conference on Blockchain Technology, endorsed by IEEE, aims to unite interested scholars as well as industrial members from all relevant disciplines who study and work in the space of blockchain technology.

Suggested contribution topics include (but are not limited to) empirical and theoretical studies of:

Anonymity and privacy
Applied cryptography
Attacks, attack techniques, and attack case studies
Authentication, identity management and biometrics
Blockchain applications
Blockchain protocols, proof-of-X
Censorship and resistance
Consensus protocols for blockchains
Cryptographic protocols
Cryptocurrency adoption and economic impacts
Cryptographic tools for blockchains
Decentralized applications (Exchanges, Mining Pools, Trading Platforms)
Digital cash and payment systems
Digital rights management
Economics and game theory for blockchains
Economic and monetary aspects of cryptocurrencies
Economics of security and privacy
Forensics and monitoring
Formal verification of protocols and smart contracts
Fraud detection and financial crime prevention
Interoperability solutions
Legal, ethical and societal aspects of (decentralized) virtual currencies
Measurement studies and methodology
Miner Extractable Value (MEV) designs and solutions
Peer-to-peer networks
Scalability solutions
Smart contract programming languages and tools
Transaction graph analysis
Trusted Hardware solutions for Blockchains
Usability and security
AI and ML for blockchains
Fairness in blockchain

Publication Guidelines

IEEE Conference Proceedings Format Word/LaTeX Templates
Full research papers
Full research papers which represent significant and novel research contributions. Submissions must not overlap with works that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions should follow the IEEE Conference Proceedings Format format and should not exceed 10 pages, excluding references and well-marked appendices. There is no limit on the length of the references and appendices. Accepted papers will appear in the IEEE proceedings published by IEEE. Authors who seek to submit their works to journals may opt-out by publishing an extended abstract only.
Short research papers
Short research papers which may (for example) summarize works-in-progress or extensions to previous research papers. Short research papers must meet the above criteria, except must be 4 pages or less including references and appendices. The title should be of the form "Short Paper: ...".
Systematization-of-knowledge papers
Systematization-of-Knowledge papers which present a systematization of the current literature on a specific topic. In line with the definition used by IEEE Security and Privacy, SoK papers must “provide an important new viewpoint on an established, major research area, support or challenge long-held beliefs in such an area with compelling evidence, or present a convincing, comprehensive new taxonomy of such an area. Survey papers without such insights are not appropriate.”. The title should be of the form "SoK: ...".
Acceptance Rate
Overall acceptance rate in previous years was ~20%.
All submissions will be reviewed double-blind, and as such should not contain author names, must be anonymous, no acknowledgments, affiliations, or obvious references.
We expect that submitted papers may be available on public pre-print servers such as ePrint, or SSRN. We welcome such submissions.
Registration fee
Authors of accepted papers will get the registration fee waived.

Deadlines & Fees

Paper submission deadline
February 20th, 2025
Author Notifications
April 1st, 2025
Camera ready version
Fee / Ticket
All services related to the academic track are free of charge. This includes, review, presentations of accepted papers and the inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
Next Deadline: Paper submission

Program Committee Members

Adithya Bhat, Visa Research
Aniket Kate, Supra
Arthur Gervais, UCL & RDI
Bernardo Magri, University of Manchester
Brennon Brimhall, John Hopkins University
Christian Badertscher, ZHAW & IOG
Christian Matt, Primev
Denis Bieri, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Diana Ghinea, ETH Zurich
Dimitrios Vasilopoulos, Independent Researcher
Duc Le, Visa Research
Easwar Mangipudi, Supra
Elisaweta Masserova, CMU
Erkan Tairi, ENS Paris
Hanwen Feng, University of Sydney
Hao Chung, CMU
Jawad Manzoor, University of Galway, Ireland
Joseph Bonneau, NYU
Liyi Zhou, The University of Sydney
Lucjan Hanzlik, CISPA
Lukas Aumyr, TU Vienna
Nikhil Vanjani, CMU
Ori Rottenstreich, Technion
Paul Gerhart, TU Wien
Paulo C. Bartolomeu, University of Aveiro
Pedro Moreno Sanchez, IMDEA
Pratyay Mukherjee, Supra
Qiang Tang, University of Sydney
Shange Fu, APRO Research
Soren Eller Thomsen, Partisia
Tiantian Gong, Purdue University
Varun Madathil, Yale
Vinay Ribeiro, IIT Bombay
Yanan Li, University of Sydney
Yann Vonlanthen, ETH Zurich
Yuan Lu, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Yuanzhe Zhang, University of Sydney
Yuexin Xiang, Monash University


We are introducing two awards this year.

Best Student Paper Award:

To qualify for this award the paper has to be led by a student (graduate, or undergraduate).

Promising Paper Award:

This award is set to recognise papers that the committee deems to have promise for future research and development for immediate and large-scale impact.




The following research papers have been selected and were be presented at the 2021 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology.

View Publications




The following research papers have been selected and were be presented at the 2020 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology.

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The following research papers have been selected and were presented at the 2019 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology within the academia track.

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The following research papers have been selected and were presented at the 2018 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology within the academia track.

View Publications