Economics and Finance Call for Papers
The “Economic and Financial Track” of the 2020 Crypto Valley Conference will bring together scholars, regulators and practitioners interested in exploring opportunities and risks of emerging blockchain-based systems and distributed Ledger technologies.
The aim is to merge the gap between academics, technologists, policy makers and regulators engaged in the new field of distributed and peer-to-peer systems, by providing a unique cross-sectoral perspective which allows to exhaustively address questions of practical importance from an economic, financial and business perspective.
Submissions should focus on (but are not limited to) the following topics:
The editorial guidelines must thus follow the standard requested by the journal (please refer to the following link: Guidelines)
Submitted papers will be blindly reviewed by the Crypto Valley Scientific Committee for the Economic and Financial Track. Any mention of the author's names or affiliations should be removed from the submitted paper. For any questions regarding the call for papers and the submission, please write to the following address: